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Abu Azrael Is Still Alive

Wesam Abo Marq Wesam Abo Marq
2nd September 2022
Abu Azrael Is Still Alive
Abu Azrael appeared online on August 31, 2022 (Twitter).

The Claim

Ayoub Falih Hasan Al-Rubaie, also known as Abu Azrael, was assassinated near his home in Iraq.

Emerging story

A claim that Ayoub Falih Hasan Al-Rubaie, also known as Abu Azrael, was killed near his home in Iraq is circulating online. 

A supporting image within the article body

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar conducted a thorough investigation and found the claim to be fake.

Abu Azrael appeared on a live-stream on his official YouTube account on August 31, 2022.

The claim first surfaced on August 29, 2022, after an unknown group attacked Abu Azrael's home during the recent Iraqi unrest.

In the live stream, Abu Azrael mourned the Iraqi people and condemned the attack on his home. Abu Azrael also stated that, contrary to user claims, he was not at home when the attack occurred and that only his daughters were present.


Who Is Abu Azrael?

Ayoub Falih Hasan Al-Rubaie, also referred to as Abu Azrael or the Angel of Death, is the leader of the Kataib al-Imam Ali, a group of Iraqi Shi'a militiamen engaged in combat with ISIS. He has a large social media following and has emerged as an online symbol of Shia Iraqis' resistance to ISIS. He claims he killed 1,500 fighters in a year.

Abu Azrael fought in Muqtada al-Mahdi Sadr's Army against American and Coalition forces during the US-led invasion of Iraq.

Abu Azrael's death has been the subject of rumors since 2016.

What Is Happening in Iraq?

Muqtada al-Sadr, Iraq's influential Shia leader, announced on Twitter that he is leaving politics and closing his offices, sparking protests from his supporters and escalating tensions.

On Monday, security forces used tear gas and gunfire to disperse al-Sadr supporters gathered in Baghdad's Green Zone. According to the AFP News Agency, at least 23 people were killed.

Al-Sadr began a hunger strike "until the violence and use of weapons" end, according to a Facebook post made by the leader of the Sadrist parliamentary party, Hassan Al-Athary, on Monday.

Misbar debunked numerous misleading and false claims about the current events in Iraq.

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