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Two Old Photos Shared in Relation to the Recent Operation on the Egyptian Border

Wesam Abo Marq Wesam Abo Marq
8th June 2023
Two Old Photos Shared in Relation to the Recent Operation on the Egyptian Border
The photos are older than the recent Egypt-Israel border shooting (Twitter)

The Claim

Two photos were shot following the operation on the Egyptian border.

Emerging story

After the recent shooting incident on the Egyptian border, two photos were widely shared on social media claiming to be captured in the aftermath of the operation. 

The first photo shows security forces examining the site of the attack on June 3.

A supporting image within the article body

The second photo features the border fence that was breached by the Egyptian soldier before carrying out the attack.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating photos and found the claims to be misleading.

Through a thorough reverse image search, Misbar's team found that the viral photos were not recent and had no connection to the recent operation on the Egyptian border.

2012 Photo Resurfaced After the Incident on the Egyptian-Israeli Borders 

The first circulating photo does not show security forces examining the site of the attack on June 3. 
The original photo was uploaded to a Reuters article in 2012.

The photo features Israeli security forces surveying the area where attackers carried out an attack near the southern Israeli village of Kadesh Barnea, along the border between Israel and Egypt's Sinai desert

The photo was taken by photographer Amir Cohen on June 18, 2012.

A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot of the original photo from Reuters.

On June 18, 2012, militants crossed Egypt's Sinai Peninsula into southern Israel and launched an attack on civilians who were involved in constructing a border security fence, according to defense officials.

The militants opened fire, resulting in the death of one Israeli worker. In response, Israeli troops engaged in a gun battle with the assailants, resulting in the death of two attackers.

A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot of the New York Times’s article.

2022 Photo Claimed to Show the Incident on the Egyptian-Israeli Borders 

The second photo shows the aftermath of unknown individuals cutting through the border fence between Egypt and Israel and entering a settlement. 

This photo was published by Israeli media outlets on November 20, 2022.

A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot of the original photo from Ynet.

Other photos of the same scene were also published online.

A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot of the original photo from Ynet.

Unidentified individuals entered the Barna temple in Fathat Nitsana, where they stole two ATVs. They exploited the absence of an anti-intrusion warning system installed by the Ministry of Defense in the settlement. 

Three Israeli Soldiers Killed on the Egyptian Border 

Egypt said that one of its policemen crossed the border between Egypt and Israel on Saturday while pursuing drug smugglers. They claim that the policeman, along with three Israelis, were subsequently killed during a gun battle. However, the Israel Forces presente a different account of the events. According to i24 News, Egyptian authorities have released information about the Egyptian soldier who killed the three Israeli soldiers. The Egyptian soldier's name is Mohamad Salah, a 22-year-old member of the Egyptian border police.

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This Photo Does Not feature the Egyptian Soldier Killed in Recent Border Clashes

This Video Does Not Feature the Egyptian Soldier Killed on the Border Singing Before Death

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