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This Video Was Shot in Egypt, Not in India or Pakistan

Wesam Abo Marq Wesam Abo Marq
18th June 2023
This Video Was Shot in Egypt, Not in India or Pakistan
The video shows a massive dust storm in the Suez Canal (Twitter)

The Claim

A video clip features the storm approaching India and Karachi, Pakistan, following the impact of Cyclone Biparjoy.

Emerging story

Following the impact of Cyclone Biparjoy on India and Pakistan, social media users circulated a video clip purporting to show the storm approaching India and Karachi.

The video has gone viral in relation to the aftermath of Cyclone Biparjoy in both regions.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating video and found the claim to be misleading.

After conducting a thorough reverse image search, Misbar’s team found the viral video to be older than claimed and unrelated to the recent cyclones in India and Pakistan.

The Video Shows a Massive Dust Storm in the Suez Canal, Egypt

Contrary to the circulating claim, the video was shot in Egypt the moment a huge dust storm hit the Suez Canal on June 1, 2023.

The original video was uploaded to YouTube on June 7, 2023, under the caption, "Huge Dust Storm Hits Suez Canal, Egypt, June 1, 2023."

A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot of the original video from YouTube.

On June 2, 2023, both BBC and CNN outlets published snippets from the viral video clip.

The BBC published the video along with the caption, “Huge sandstorm sweeps across Suez Canal in Egypt.”

A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot of the original video from the BBC website.
A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot of the original video from the CNN YouTube channel.

Massive Sandstorm Engulfs Egypt's Suez Canal

An online video features a sandstorm engulfing the Suez Canal, prompting authorities to close two ports as a precautionary measure. 

Dust and sand clouds have affected certain areas of Egypt. Tragically, one person died and five others sustained injuries in Cairo when a billboard collapsed during the sweeping sandstorm. 

Notably, the Suez Canal is one of the world's busiest waterways.

Tropical Cyclone Biparjoy Hits Indian and Pakistani Coasts

Severe cyclonic conditions struck the coasts of India and Pakistan, resulting in power outages as roofs were blown off houses and trees and electric poles were uprooted. Tragically, two individuals lost their lives in Gujarat, India, after being swept away by floodwaters just prior to the cyclone's arrival. 

Authorities had conducted evacuations of over 180,000 people in preparation for Cyclone Biparjoy, which translates to "disaster" or "calamity" in Bengali. While Pakistan experienced a minimal impact from the cyclone, Karachi witnessed rainfall, prompting high-alert measures.

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This Video Was Not Shot During India’s Cyclone Biparjoy

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