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This Video of a Cylindrical UFO in the Sky is CG

Wesam Abo Marq Wesam Abo Marq
4th August 2023
This Video of a Cylindrical UFO in the Sky is CG
The UFO Video is computer generated (Twitter)

The Claim

A video shows a cylindrical, tubular UFO containing extraterrestrial beings. The tubular UFO disappeared from view as soon as it noticed the presence of humans.

Emerging story

Recently, social media users circulated a video purporting to feature a cylindrical, tubular UFO filled with aliens.

Social media users alleged that the crew of the International Space Station (ISS) unexpectedly encountered the UFO. Later, the tubular UFO seemed unaware of its proximity to the ISS and disappeared from view as soon as it noticed the presence of humans.

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the widely circulated video and found it to be fake.

A thorough reverse image search revealed that the video making the rounds to be computer generated. 

The UFO Video Was created Using CGI

Contrary to social media users’ claims, the video does not feature a real cylindrical, tubular UFO filled with aliens.

Neither reliable media outlets nor any officials reported the incident. A reverse image search led Misbar’s team to the original publisher of the video on YouTube.

MeniThings, a YouTube channel, published the video on May 8, 2016, under the title, "Alien Probe "Oumuamua" makes appearance above Earth."

A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot of the original video from YouTube.

Through research on MeniThings' official website, Misbar's team discovered that MeniThings is a comprehensive production company that specializes in supporting original live-action and animated projects.

A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot of the company’s bio.

The company is presently collaborating with Aristomenis Tsirbas, a versatile professional with expertise as a film director, producer, animator, concept designer, and visual effects supervisor.

Founded in 2000, MeniThings established an animation facility in 2005, where they took charge of designing, constructing, and operating the facility.

A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot shows a video from the company’s YouTube channel.
A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot shows videos from the company’s YouTube channel.

Misbar conducted further investigation and a comparison between the object shown in the video and the ‘Alien Probe "Oumuamua"’ and determined that they are entirely distinct from each other. 

The "Oumuamua" object does not have a tubular shape as seen in the circulated video.

A supporting image within the article body
Photo Description: A screenshot of the NBC News's article displays an artist's impression of Oumuamua object.

What Are UFOs?

An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) is a term historically used to describe aircraft or aerial phenomena that cannot be easily identified or explained. The modern UFO phenomenon in the U.S. emerged in the late 1940s and early 1950s, coinciding with advancements in technology such as rockets and missiles.

Most UFOs, upon investigation, are eventually identified as known objects or atmospheric phenomena, while a small percentage remain unexplained.

Scientists and skeptic organizations, such as the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, have offered mundane explanations for UFOs, attributing them to natural phenomena, human-made technology, delusions, and hoaxes.

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Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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