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2016 Video of Child Beheading in Syria Shared in Relation to Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

Wesam Abo Marq Wesam Abo Marq
8th October 2023
2016 Video of Child Beheading in Syria Shared in Relation to Operation Al-Aqsa Flood
The execution video dates back to July 2016 (X)

The Claim

 A video shows Gaza fighters beheading an Israeli boy. 

Emerging story

During the ongoing Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, social media users, primarily pro-Israeli accounts, widely circulated a video purporting to show Gaza fighters beheading an Israeli boy. Many users shared it with hashtags related to Hamas and Israel.

An X user wrote, “Allah Hu Akbar & then beheaded the innocent kid.. They're not humans, their faith makes them worse than animals... So called "secular-liberals" are supporting these p!gs? (Watch it at your own risk)”

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the viral video and found the claim to be misleading.A thorough reverse image search revealed the footage making the rounds to be older than claimed and unrelated to Gaza.

Al-Zenki Movement Excuted a Child in 2016

Contrary to the circulating claim, the video is unrelated to the ongoing operation between Gaza and Israel. The video dates back to July 2016. 

Orient News uploaded the video to YouTube and reported that the footage shows the execution of a child by individuals claiming to be affiliated with the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement. They alleged that the child belonged to the Jerusalem Brigade in Aleppo. 

A supporting image within the article body
A screenshot of the original video (YouTube)

Al Mayadeen Channel also uploaded the video on July 21, 2016. The translated title reads, "A wave of condemnation after the slaughter of a child in Aleppo."

A supporting image within the article body
A screenshot of the original video (YouTube)

People quickly reacted to the video and demanded that the perpetrators be held accountable. This video caused the U.S. Department of State to reconsider its support for the movement. 

Ongoing Gaza-Israel Escalation

Intense clashes between Palestinian resistance fighters and Israeli forces are ongoing in various areas across southern Israel, following Hamas's unexpected attack inside Israel. Moreover, Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for mortar strikes from Lebanon into the occupied Shebaa Farms, to which Israel responded with artillery strikes.

At this moment, hundreds of families in Gaza have been forced to evacuate their homes, facing the imminent threat of Israeli airstrikes.

This escalation is occurring amidst growing concerns of a potential ground invasion of Gaza, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatening to transform the besieged Palestinian enclave into a "deserted island."

As of now, the reported death toll is 320 Palestinians, according to health officials, and at least 600 Israelis, as per media reports. Hamas's operation followed a series of widespread Israeli settler attacks, escalating tensions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem, and a record number of Palestinian casualties.

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