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Contrary to Claims, All Aid Trucks Entering Gaza from Egypt Were Inspected for Weapons

Wesam Abo Marq Wesam Abo Marq
22nd October 2023
Contrary to Claims, All Aid Trucks Entering Gaza from Egypt Were Inspected for Weapons
All aid trucks entering Gaza were inspected (X)

The Claim

Aid trucks going to Gaza were not searched for weapons.

Emerging story

In light of the arrival of first aid trucks in Gaza, Hanania Naftali, the former media spokesperson in Netanyahu's office, alleged on his X account that the U.N. had confirmed they did not inspect the trucks that entered the Gaza Strip. No official conducted any checks. 

He further raised the question of how people can be certain that the trucks' load is indeed humanitarian aid and not potentially more rockets destined for Hamas.

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the claim and found it to be fake.

All twenty aid trucks that crossed into the Gaza Strip from Egypt's Rafah crossing were inspected before entering.

The New York Times Misquotes the UN’s Office Spokesman

The claim's possible source that Naftali relied on before spreading the claim was a mere mistake made by The New York Times in quoting statements from Stéphane Dujarric, the Chief Spokesman for the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

On October 21, The New York Times released a report about a convoy of 20 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid that traveled from Egypt to the Gaza Strip via the Rafah crossing. The newspaper quoted statements from officials affiliated with the aid delivery process, relief workers, and comments stated by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in Cairo, Egypt. 

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A screenshot of The New York Times article.

Later, The New York Times stated that a correction was made due to an editorial error. It incorrectly quoted Stéphane Dujarric, the Chief Spokesperson for the United Nations Secretary-General's office, in a previous version of the same report. 

The incorrect statement indicated that "the first aid convoy that crossed from Egypt to Gaza had not been inspected for weapons." The newspaper clarified that Dujarric actually stated that "the Israeli side was fully aware of their content."

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A screenshot of The New York Times correction note.

On Saturday, several Israeli media outlets reported that Israel denied claims that the aid entering the Gaza Strip was not inspected for weapons before being allowed in. This denial comes in response to a report that suggested a convoy of trucks carrying aid to the coastal enclave was not subjected to inspections before entry.

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A screenshot of the Times of Israel’s article.

20 Aid Trucks Arrived in Gaza Amid the Israeli War

On October 21, the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza was opened to allow a limited amount of much-needed aid to reach Palestinians who are experiencing shortages of food, medicine, and water in the territory. Gaza has been under Israeli ‘total’ blockade.

A convoy of 20 aid trucks entered the Gaza Strip from Egypt, carrying essential supplies, as reported by Hamas.

A supporting image within the article body
A screenshot of Al Jazeera’s article.

Israel has stated that the aid shipments coming into Gaza from Egypt on Saturday will not include fuel. This omission is a significant concern for the population in the besieged enclave and the relief agencies responsible for delivering essential services because fuel is essential for powering water pumps and generators necessary for operating critical facilities like hospitals.

Israel Barbaric Airstrikes Killed Over 4385 Gaza Civilians

Over the past 16 days of Israeli aggression on Gaza, Israeli airstrikes have killed over 4,385 Palestinians in Gaza. Israel is reportedly planning to escalate its air attacks on Gaza in preparation for a potential ground invasion, which they see as the "next stage."

Red Crescent trucks are delivering food and medicine to Gaza from Egypt. Aid organizations express concern that the 20-truck aid delivery is inadequate. 

Around 2,000 demonstrators congregated at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., where they delivered speeches and offered prayers for peace. This protest took place within the ongoing backdrop of nearly daily demonstrations in the United States, demonstrating solidarity with the people of Gaza.

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