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The Video Does Not Show Clashes in Al-Shifa Hospital After It Was Invaded

Ouissal Harize Ouissal Harize
15th November 2023
The Video Does Not Show Clashes in Al-Shifa Hospital After It Was Invaded
Israeli soldiers invaded Al-Shifa Hospital (X)

The Claim

A video shows heavy fighting in Al-Shifa Hospital.

Emerging story

Social media users recently shared a video that allegedly shows clashes in Al-Shifa Hospital after Israeli soldiers invaded it. 

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating claim and found it to be misleading. 

The video does not show clashes in Al-Shifa Hospital after it was invaded by Israeli soldiers. 

Misbar’s team found that the video was posted online on November 9. According to Wafa News Agency, the video shows panic in the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip, during occupation raids that targeted its surroundings. The original video can be seen below. 

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A screenshot of the original video posted on November 9.

The Situation at Al-Shifa Hospital

Al-Shifa Hospital, located in the heart of Gaza City, has historically been a sanctuary for those in need of medical care. However, recent events have transformed this medical haven into a site of conflict and humanitarian concern. Sources indicate that thousands of individuals, including patients, staff, and displaced Palestinians, are currently trapped within the hospital's confines after Israeli soldiers invaded it.

Reports from medical personnel and journalists inside al-Shifa paint a harrowing picture. Dr. Ahmad Mokhallalati, a surgeon at the hospital, described an environment filled with the sound of gunshots and panic. With critical patients and premature infants among those affected, the situation is dire. The destruction of vital medical equipment, including oxygen stations, has exacerbated the crisis, leading to fatalities among the most vulnerable.

International observers and legal experts are closely monitoring the situation. The hospital's status as a civilian object under international humanitarian law brings into question the legality of any military actions involving it. Human Rights organizations emphasize the need for concrete evidence to justify any military operation that compromises the hospital's civilian nature and special protections under international law.

Israel Has Systematically Targeted Hospitals 

Israel has previously targeted hospitals in Gaza. The airstrike on Gaza’s Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, a significant and tragic event in the ongoing conflict, highlights a concerning pattern where medical facilities in conflict zones become targets. This particular strike, one of the deadliest in recent times, resulted in over 500 confirmed deaths, according to Gaza's health ministry. 

Al-Ahli Hospital, with deep Christian roots and managed by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, has been a sanctuary and a place of peace in Gaza. The facility, crammed with patients seeking medical care and others seeking shelter from the ongoing bombardment, was one of 20 hospitals in northern Gaza to receive an evacuation order from the Israeli army, as reported by the World Health Organization. However, the feasibility of evacuating patients safely was in question.

Palestinian officials and groups, including Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, attributed responsibility for the bombing to Israel. This incident follows a pattern where Israeli forces have targeted hospitals in the region during conflicts, as seen in previous attacks on Gaza. The attack on Al-Ahli Hospital, already a repeat target including damage to its cancer treatment ward earlier the same week, is part of a broader issue of healthcare facilities becoming casualties of warfare, underscoring the urgent need for stringent adherence to international humanitarian laws protecting such essential civilian infrastructures.

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