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The Video Does Not Show Hamas Executing Citizens Suspected of Cooperating with Israel

Wesam Abo Marq Wesam Abo Marq
4th December 2023
The Video Does Not Show Hamas Executing Citizens Suspected of Cooperating with Israel
The video shows ISIS executing individuals in Iraq (X)

The Claim

A video shows  Hamas Executing Citizens Suspected of Cooperating with Israel.

Emerging story

Recently, social media users extensively shared a video clip that allegedly features Hamas executing individuals suspected of collaborating with Israel by throwing them off the building.

One X user shared the video along with the caption, “Hamas executes citizens who are suspected of collaborating with Israel by throwing them off the roof of a building!”

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the widely circulating footage and found the claim to be misleading. After conducting a thorough reverse image search, Misbar’s team found the video making the rounds to be outdated and unrelated to Hamas and Gaza.

The Video Shows ISIS Executing Individuals in Iraq

Contrary to the viral claim, the footage shows ISIS executing four men who were claimed to be homosexuals.

A YouTube channel uploaded shots from the video on July 6, 2015, under the translated caption, “ISIS executed 4 men it claimed were homosexuals.”

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A screenshot of the original video (YouTube)

The Mirror also reported the incident and shared photos showing the execution operation in a published article on July 2, 2015.

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A screenshot of the Mirror’s article.

According to the outlet, ISIS executioners have once again released graphic images proudly showing the brutal execution of individuals they claim to be 'gay.' The victims, bound and blindfolded, are depicted being thrown off a tall building in Fallujah, Iraq. 

The absence of crowds in these images diverges from the typical public executions staged by ISIS. Activists argue that ISIS utilizes such extreme punishments in areas under its control to instill fear and control the local population through coercion. It is speculated that these acts may be part of an intensified fear campaign by ISIS following significant losses to Kurdish-led militias.

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A screenshot of the Mirror’s article.

Israeli Airstrikes on Civilian Areas in Gaza Intensify

The video started circulating recently in relation to the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. The conflict between Israel and Gaza is intensifying, resulting in widespread death and destruction throughout the besieged strip. Over the past 48 hours, at least 800 Palestinians have lost their lives, marking one of the highest daily death tolls since the war started on October 7. 

Israel has issued evacuation calls to residents in specific neighborhoods of Khan Younis in southern Gaza, with crucial roads destroyed or heavily damaged, cutting off central Gaza from the south. The Israeli military's relentless air, land, and sea attacks persist, as the sound of jets and drones fills the air. Deir el-Balah and central Gaza have become battlegrounds, with residential areas sustaining hits that result in casualties and injuries. The challenges persist for ambulances and rescue teams attempting to extract bodies trapped in the debris.

As the situation escalates, people in affected areas are attempting to move south, awaiting guidance from Israeli authorities, yet finding no safe refuge. The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that more than 15,500 killed since October 7. The humanitarian crisis continues to worsen, emphasizing the urgent need for international intervention to address the escalating violence and protect civilian lives.

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