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This Video Does Not Show Al-Qassam Militants Attacking Israeli Soldiers

Ahmed Sabry Ahmed Sabry
5th December 2023
This Video Does Not Show Al-Qassam Militants Attacking Israeli Soldiers
The Israeli-released video is inconsistent (X)

The Claim

This Video Shows Al-Qassam Militants Attacking Israeli Soldiers.

Emerging story

A widely circulated video on social media reportedly shows an incident where militants from the Qassam Brigades allegedly detonated the entrance of a tunnel. This tunnel, situated east of Beit Lahia, was reportedly targeted at Israeli military personnel.

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Misbarโ€™s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating video and found the claim to be misleading. 

Misbar's team noticed that the explosion scene of the Israeli soldiers cannot be found in the video.

A supporting image within the article body

Upon conducting a frame-by-frame analysis, it becomes apparent that the video abruptly transitions to a completely different scene before the explosion occurs showing a building that was shown in the Hebrew media video at the 35-second mark.

A supporting image within the article body
Frame by frame analysis to the viral video
A supporting image within the article body
Image of the demolished building by Israeli force

U.N. Officials Warn of Apocalyptic Situation in Gaza as Civilians Face Increasing Danger

Top officials from the United Nations are sounding the alarm about a dire and catastrophic situation unfolding in the war-torn Gaza Strip. They warn that there is no safe haven left for civilians as the conflict between Israel and Hamas has now spread to the southern areas, previously seen as places of refuge.

Martin Griffiths, the highest-ranking U.N. emergency relief official, expressed his deep concern by stating, "Every time we believe that the situation in Gaza cannot deteriorate further, it unfortunately does." He emphasized that people are being forced to move repeatedly, facing unimaginable hardships and having to make impossible choices just to survive.

Griffiths strongly condemned the blatant disregard for basic human rights and called for an end to these actions. Additionally, the head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) highlighted the alarming increase in civilian casualties occurring in Gaza.

According to the Ministry of Health, the number of Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks since October 7 has surpassed 15,899, with over 375 fatalities reported in the previous 24 hours alone. 

Read More

The Scene Is Comedic, Not for Palestinians Faking Their Deaths in the Ongoing Gaza War

The Video Does Not Show Hamas Executing Citizens Suspected of Cooperating with Israel

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