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This Video Does Not Show the Demolition of Gaza Resistance Tunnels by the Israeli Army

Misbar's Editorial Team Misbar's Editorial Team
15th December 2023
This Video Does Not Show the Demolition of Gaza Resistance Tunnels by the Israeli Army
Israeli army reportedly pumping seawater into Gaza tunnels (X)

The Claim

Another method by the IDF to bury terrorists in their tunnels.

Emerging story

Recently, a video has gone viral on social media platform X claiming that the Israeli army had initiated an operation to destroy the Palestinian resistance tunnels in Gaza.

Palestinian resistance tunnels in Gaza

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the claim and found it to be misleading. The video does not show the Israeli army demolishing the tunnels of Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip.

A Machine for Removing Old Tile Layers From Chimneys

The video was published in September, prior to the Israeli war on Gaza, which started on October 7. It showcased a machine specifically designed for removing layers of old tiles from inside chimneys.

Removing Old Tile Layers From Chimneys

The same video was also posted by the specialized engineering construction company account, Interesting Engineering, during that period, confirming that the machine is indeed used for removing old tile layers from chimneys.

A Machine for Removing Old Tile Layers From Chimneys

This machine serves to rectify damaged chimney liners and dismantle chimney tiles.

Israel Has Begun Pumping Seawater Into Gaza Tunnels

The circulation of this claim followed reports from reputable sources such as The Wall Street Journal and ABC News reported, on December 12. These reports cited unnamed U.S. officials stating that the Israeli occupation army has begun pumping seawater into the tunnel network of the Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip.

According to the newspaper, the process of flooding seawater into the tunnels is expected to take weeks. It was also noted that some officials in Biden administration suggest that this operation could help in demolishing the tunnels, which Israel believes that Hamas is hiding hostages, fighters, and ammunition inside. However, other officials have expressed concerns about the potential threat posed to Gaza's freshwater supply by introducing seawater.

Israel Has Begun Pumping Seawater Into Gaza Tunnels

Biden Comments on Israel’s Flooding of Gaza Tunnels

Responding to a question about these reports during a press conference in Washington, Biden stated, "With regard to the flooding of the tunnels, well, there are assertions being made that there are no hostages in any of these tunnels. But I do not know that for a fact."

He further added, "But I do know that every civilian death is an absolute tragedy, and Israel stated this intent, as I said, to match its words with actions."

Biden Comments on Israel’s Flooding of Gaza Tunnels

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