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This Image Does Not Show an Attack On A U.S. Warship by Yemen

Ahmed Sabry Ahmed Sabry
18th January 2024
This Image Does Not Show an Attack On A U.S. Warship by Yemen
The image is unrelated To Yemen attacks (X)

The Claim

An image shows an Attack On A U.S. Warship by Yemen.

Emerging story

Recently, various social media accounts shared an image that purportedly shows an attack on a U.S. warship by Yemen.

A supporting image within the article body

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating image and found the claim to be misleading. 

The Image Is Unrelated To Yemen Attacks 

Misbar's team found that the image dates back to 2015 and depicts an Iranian attack on a replica of a U.S. aircraft carrier during a naval drill, which was broadcasted on state TV.

A supporting image within the article body

According to Arab News, Iran's Revolutionary Guards conducted war games in the Strait of Hormuz, which involved a simulated gunboat attack on a model U.S. warship. This display of military strength took place in a crucial Gulf shipping channel that plays a vital role in global oil exports.

State TV footage showcased multiple gunboats swarming around a large-scale replica of an American aircraft carrier and launching missiles at it. Fars News, an outlet associated with the Revolutionary Guard, reported that both cruise missiles and ballistic missiles were employed during the exercise. Additionally, the gunboats conducted a mine-laying exercise, as reported by the Iranian Students' News Agency.

Houthi Militia's Missile Attack on Commercial Shipping 

The Iran-backed Houthi militia group persists in targeting commercial shipping, as evidenced by their recent strike on an American-owned container ship. This act of defiance comes despite a series of U.S. and U.K. strikes on Yemen. The attack on the Marshall Islands-flagged Gibraltar Eagle container ship marks an expansion of the conflict beyond the Red Sea, reaching the Gulf of Aden.

Although the strike reportedly caused minimal damage to the cargo hold, it heightens concerns that the military actions taken by the U.S. and U.K. against Houthi targets in Yemen have not effectively weakened the militia group's ability to pose a threat to commercial shipping.

In response to the escalating situation, Qatar, a significant user of container ships, has announced its decision to suspend the transportation of liquid gas through the Red Sea in the foreseeable future. Since the U.S. and U.K. strikes on Thursday, there has been a noticeable decline in overall maritime traffic, indicating the impact of these developments on shipping activities.

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