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The Image Of a Pro-Palestine Protester Holding A Sign Is Digitally Altered

Ahmed Sabry Ahmed Sabry
13th May 2024
The Image Of a Pro-Palestine Protester Holding A Sign Is Digitally Altered
Zionist accounts have led a campaign to discredit the student protests (X)

The Claim

An image claiming to show a pro-Palestinian demonstrator holding a sign saying "You Don't Get To Choose Who We Rape."

Emerging story

Recently, social media users have been circulating an image claiming to show a pro-Palestinian demonstrator holding a sign saying "You Don't Get To Choose Who We Rape."

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Misbarโ€™s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating image and found the claim to be fake. 

Misbar's team found that the image has been digitally altered. The initial photo, shared on January 1, does not feature the same message. The unaltered sign states, " You donโ€™t get to choose how we resist."

A group of people holding signs

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Analysis Shows Peaceful Nature Of U.S. Campus Demonstrations On Gaza War

An independent non-profit organization dedicated to monitoring political violence and protests globally discovered that 97% of campus protests related to the Gaza war in the United States since mid-April have remained peaceful. Between April 18 and May 3, a comprehensive examination of 553 demonstrations held on U.S. campuses revealed that fewer than 20 incidents resulted in significant interpersonal violence or damage to property, as reported by statistics from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (Acled).

A group of people sitting in tents

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During this timeframe, Acled documented approximately 70 instances of forceful police intervention at U.S. campus protests, including the arrest of demonstrators and the use of dispersal tactics such as the deployment of chemical agents, batons, and other forms of physical force. According to Acled's data, nearly half of the campus protests categorized as violent involved clashes between protesters and law enforcement during police interventions.

Since April, protest encampments expressing solidarity with Gaza have emerged at colleges and universities across the U.S. These demonstrations have articulated various demands, including calls for universities to publicly endorse a ceasefire in Gaza, divest from Israeli companies and suppliers of Israel's military, and sever ties with Israeli academic institutions. The protests have also sparked similar actions in the U.K., Europe, India, and Lebanon.

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Israel's Violation Of ICJ Orders Hinders Gaza Aid, Says Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch asserts that Israel is disobeying the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) legally binding directives by impeding the delivery of life-saving aid and services into Gaza. The ICJ has issued provisional measures twice since January 2024, instructing Israel to facilitate the provision of essential services and humanitarian aid, as part of South Africa's case accusing Israel of breaching the Genocide Convention of 1948.

Israeli authorities closed the Kerem Shalom crossing on May 5 following a Hamas rocket attack, and on May 7, they seized control of the Rafah crossing during their incursion in the area. These actions effectively block aid from entering and people from leaving Gaza through the primary crossings used in recent months. Despite allowing more aid trucks in the preceding weeks and opening an additional crossing and port for aid entry, the increase has been minimal and insufficient to address the overwhelming need, as reported by United Nations and non-governmental aid agencies. Critical aid items remain blocked by Israel, with only a small fraction of the limited aid reaching northern Gaza, where it is urgently required.

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