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This Video Does Not Show Recent Protests Against the Houthis in a Sana’a Market

Misbar's Editorial Team Misbar's Editorial Team
14th May 2024
This Video Does Not Show Recent Protests Against the Houthis in a Sana’a Market
The 2022 video allegedly shows Yemenis striking Houthi members (X)

The Claim

YEMEN, on Sunday, footage went viral of Houthis going to the Capital of Sana'a to collect money from businesses and residents by force.

Emerging story

Recently, social media users have been circulating a video claiming to depict protests that erupted against the Houthis in one of the markets in the Yemeni capital, Sana'a.

protests that erupted against the Houthis in one of the markets in the Yemeni capital, Sana'a.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating claim and found it to be misleading. The circulated video clip is old, published since April 2022, claiming to show Yemeni citizens striking security forces affiliated with the Houthi group in Sana'a.

Houthis Deny Their Members Were Assaulted in Sana’a, 2022

The video was released in April 2022, claiming to depict Yemeni citizens assaulting security forces from the Houthi group in a market in the Al-Hasaba area of the capital, Sana'a, at that time.

Houthis Deny Their Members Were Assaulted in Sana’a, 2022

However, the official spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior in the Houthi government in Sana'a, Abdul Khaliq Al-Ajri, denied reports of clashes between security forces affiliated with the Houthi group and citizens in the capital, Sana'a.

Al-Ajri clarified that the reports about the incident were false, stating that the clashes occurred due to a dispute over the traffic flow in the area between the organizers of the Roni market in the Al-Hasaba district and another party.

The Clashes In The Al-Hasaba Neighborhood In The Capital, Sana’a

Protests in the City of Aden Due to Power Outages

Following reports from Yemeni media outlets on Monday, May 13, protests erupted in the streets of Aden, protesting against power outages amid rising temperatures.

Local sources stated that enraged protesters closed several streets and entrances to Aden, causing significant traffic congestion.

The sources clarified that protesters closed the entrances and exits to the districts of Seera, Mansoura, and Sheikh Othman, blocking access to and from the districts.

The same sources reported that the districts of Seera, Mansoura, and Sheikh Othman witnessed angry protests and road closures on Sunday evening.

Protests in the City of Aden Due to Power Outages

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