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Video of Medical Maneuver at Islamic University of Gaza Shared as Gazans Faking Injuries

Wesam Abo Marq Wesam Abo Marq
15th May 2024
Video of Medical Maneuver at Islamic University of Gaza Shared as Gazans Faking Injuries
The video predates the war on Gaza (X)

The Claim

A video shows Gazans faking and staging their injuries.

Emerging story

Amid the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza, pro-Israel social media users have widely spread a video clip that allegedly shows a group of Palestinians faking injuries to gain global sympathy.

The purported video was first uploaded by an X user named @GAZAWOOD1. This account is notorious for spreading disinformation and romanticizing Gazan suffering, frequently accusing Gazans of faking deaths and injuries under the systematic hashtags "Gazawood" and "Pallywood."

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the viral footage and found the claim to be misleading.

After conducting a thorough reverse image search, Misbar’s team found that the widely circulated video is old and was filmed as part of a medical maneuver at the Islamic University of Gaza

The Video Shows a Medical Maneuver at the Islamic University of Gaza

Contrary to social media users’ claim, the video was not filmed during the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza

Instead, these scenes were recorded at the Islamic University of Gaza on March 11, 2018, as part of an event called "Medical Awareness Day Activities," organized by the Palestinian Medical Forum in the Faculty of Medicine.

The official Facebook account of the Islamic University of Gaza shared photos from the same event on March 11, 2018. The translated caption of the photos reads, “#See pictures of the medical day and a maneuver for the College of Medicine today.”

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A screenshot of the IUG’s post (Facebook)

"Palestinian Medical Forum - Student Branch" also uploaded a video showing the same scenes and actors on March 17, 2018. The forum published the video with a caption indicating that the footage depicts activities of the Medical Awareness Day organized by the Palestinian Medical Forum at the Islamic University College of Medicine in cooperation with the Hayat Center.

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A screenshot of the original video (Facebook)

Moreover, Al-Aqsa Voice Radio uploaded photos from the same maneuver on the X platform on March 11, 2018.

The caption further indicates that the video depicts a medical maneuver for training on crisis and disaster management during wars, conducted by the Palestinian Medical Forum at the Faculty of Medicine at the Islamic University and the Hayat Center for training on emergency and crisis management, as part of the activities of the Medical Awareness Day.

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A screenshot shows photos of the maneuver (@Alaqsavoice)

Moreover, while analyzing the viral video, Misbar’s investigative team found that at the 44-second mark, a person appeared to be throwing fake blood on the injured individuals in the maneuver. 

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A photo shows Abd Al-baset Alloulou.

Misbar searched for the logo displayed on the person’s blazer and traced it back to Sfx_Abood on Facebook. The same person who appeared in the video is Abd Al-baset Alloulou, who is a cinematic make-up artist.

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A screenshot of  Abd Al-baset Alloulou’s portfolio (Facebook)

Israel Bombs the Islamic University of Gaza

During the Israeli aggression in December 2008, warplanes bombed the Central Laboratories building at the Islamic University, leveling it to the ground and causing severe damage to several other buildings.

In the 2014 war on Gaza, warplanes once again bombed the Islamic University, targeting the administration building, resulting in partial destruction, along with severe damage to many other buildings.

Throughout the ongoing war, Israel has repeatedly targeted the university. The Occupation army released a video recording of intense airstrikes on the campus.

As of February 2024, Israel has bombed every university in Gaza and 370 schools, depriving Palestinians in Gaza of their right to education by destroying these sites of knowledge.

Hundreds of Thousands Flee Amid New Nakba in Gaza

Today marks the 76th anniversary of the "Nakba," marking the displacement of Palestinians from their homes due to the Israeli occupation. Sirens resonated throughout Palestinian cities for 76 seconds, symbolizing the 76 years since the Nakba in 1948.

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A photo from Al Jazeera Network showing pro-Palestine protesters (Via AFP)

Recent events reveal the harrowing consequences of Israel's military strikes on Gaza: over 35,173 people have been killed and 79,061 wounded since October 7. The past 24 hours have witnessed a distressing escalation, with at least 82 Palestinians killed in unrelenting Israeli air assaults, marking the highest death toll in a single day in many weeks.

History painfully repeats itself, with the perpetrators unchanged. Hundreds of thousands have been forced to evacuate Rafah city, and an additional 100,000 have evacuated the north as Israel initiates new attacks.

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Pallywood and Gazawood: Systematic Campaign Romanticizes Gazan Suffering Amid War

Behind-the-Scenes Footage Does Not Show Gazans Faking Deaths and Injuries Amid War

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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