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Al Jazeera Did Not Report the Participation of 4,000 Moroccan Soldiers in the War on Gaza

Misbar's Editorial Team Misbar's Editorial Team
2nd June 2024
Al Jazeera Did Not Report the Participation of 4,000 Moroccan Soldiers in the War on Gaza
Al Jazeera did not report on Moroccan soldiers in the Gaza war (X)

The Claim

From the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth: Quoting a military source: More than 4,000 Moroccan soldiers are participating alongside the Israeli occupation soldiers in their war on Gaza!

Emerging story

Recently, social media users have been sharing a news story attributed to Al Jazeera. The publishers claimed that Al Jazeera reported an article from the Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, which in turn cited a military source stating that "more than 4000 Moroccan soldiers are participating alongside the Israeli occupation army in the war on Gaza since the beginning of this year, as part of a military agreement signed by the Moroccan and Israeli armies.

4000 Moroccan soldiers are participating alongside the Israeli occupation army in the war on Gaza

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the claim and found it to be fake, as the design is fabricated and Al Jazeera did not report that more than 4000 Moroccan soldiers are participating alongside the Israeli army in the ongoing war on Gaza, as claimed by the Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.

The Report of Moroccan Soldiers Participating in the Gaza War Is Fake

Misbar investigated the news on Al Jazeera's website and its official social media accounts but found no relevant information.

Additionally, Misbar discovered that the design featuring the news was fabricated to mimic Al Jazeera's news style for reporting on the Gaza situation.

The fabricated news in Al Jazeera's design format
The fabricated news in Al Jazeera's design format

Furthermore, it was evident that the news text was written in a different font from Al Jazeera's standard editorial font, and it contained linguistic and spelling errors.

A supporting image within the article body
The fabricated news (on the right). Original news published by Al Jazeera (on the left)

Yedioth Ahronoth Did Not Report on Moroccan Soldiers Participating in the Gaza War

Upon searching for the news regarding "the participation of more than 4000 Moroccan soldiers alongside the Israeli army in the war on Gaza" on the Hebrew Yedioth Ahronoth website, it became apparent that the Israeli newspaper did not report any news on this matter from a military source, nor was it published by any trusted official source.

The attached image accompanying the news shows Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz alongside the Moroccan Chief of Staff during Gantz's visit to Morocco in November 2021.

Moroccan Soldiers Participating in the Gaza War

The Moroccan-Israeli Military Cooperation

On November 24, 2021, both Israel and Morocco signed a memorandum of understanding on defense during a visit by Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz to the capital, Rabat, after Morocco upgraded its diplomatic relations with Israel in 2020.

A spokesperson for the Israeli Ministry of Defense stated that the memorandum of understanding was signed by Benny Gantz and Abdellatif Loudiyi, the minister delegate to the head of government responsible for national defense administration. The spokesperson added that this memorandum would enable the two countries to enhance cooperation in areas such as intelligence, industry, military training, and other fields.

Gantz in Rabat

In January 2023, Morocco and Israel agreed to strengthen and expand military cooperation to include areas such as intelligence, air defense, and electronic warfare. This came after a meeting of the Defense Cooperation Follow-up Committee, held on January 16 and 17, 2023, in the Moroccan capital, Rabat.

Morocco and Israel agreed to strengthen and expand military cooperation

Morocco Condemns the Israeli Aggression Against Gaza

As the Israeli war on Gaza continues since October 7, 2023, resulting in thousands of civilian casualties and infrastructure destruction in the Gaza Strip.

During his speech at the 33rd Arab League Summit on May 16, Moroccan King Mohammed VI emphasized that "the retaliatory actions in the Gaza Strip have revealed serious violations against international law and humanitarian law."

The Moroccan King reiterated his condemnation of the killing of innocent people, indicating that "imposing a new reality in the Gaza Strip and attempts to forcibly displace Palestinians are rejected, as they only exacerbate the situation and increase violence and instability."

Morocco Condemns the Israeli Aggression Against Gaza

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