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The Italian Minister Did Not Hang the Palestinian Flag On Milan Cathedral

Ahmed Sabry Ahmed Sabry
7th June 2024
The Italian Minister Did Not Hang the Palestinian Flag On Milan Cathedral
The person in the video is not the Italian Minister (X)

The Claim

Liberal Italian Minister hangs Palestinian flag on from the 800 year old Milan Cathedral.

Emerging story

Amid efforts to secure a ceasefire in Gaza, social media users have been circulating a video claiming to depict a Liberal Italian Minister displaying a Palestinian flag on the Milan Cathedral.

A screenshot of a video

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating video and found the claim to be misleading. 

Misbar's team found that the person in the video is not the Italian Minister; he is Stefano Apuzzo, a candidate for the European elections with the Green Alliance.

A flag on a building

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According to ANSA, on Wednesday afternoon, a large Palestinian flag was unfurled on the central façade of Milan Cathedral, positioned high between two spires. Stefano Apuzzo, a candidate for the European elections with the Green Alliance and the Left, has taken responsibility for this gesture. This act was a strong declaration of solidarity with the Palestinian people, who continue to endure violence and oppression from the Israeli government.

Apuzzo's decision to display the flag was a direct response to an Israeli genocide against Palestinians. In a statement following his protest, Apuzzo denounced the international community's silence regarding these atrocities and urged world leaders to take immediate action to end the violence and safeguard Palestinian rights.

The flag was quickly taken down by two security officers of the Duomo, who intervened immediately. The police then arrived and confiscated the flag. Apuzzo stated that he does not know if he and his colleague will face charges at this time.

Italy Resumes Funding For U.N. Palestinian Refugee Agency

Italy has announced the restoration of funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), reversing its previous suspension due to Israeli allegations linking U.N. staff to the October 7 attack. Following an independent review led by former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, which found no evidence supporting Israel's claims, Italy joined other Western donors in resuming aid.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza, severely impacted by Israeli restrictions on aid delivery, has prompted this decision. Italy has pledged a total of 35 million euros for Palestinian assistance. Of this amount, 5 million euros will be allocated to UNRWA, with the remaining 30 million euros directed towards Italy's "Food for Gaza" initiative in coordination with other U.N. aid agencies.

Antonio Tajani, Italy’s foreign minister, informed Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa about the funding during a meeting. Tajani emphasized that the financial support would be strictly monitored to ensure none of it inadvertently supports terrorism. This move reflects Italy's commitment to addressing the unprecedented humanitarian needs in Gaza while maintaining stringent oversight of the aid's distribution and use.

A group of people sitting around a table with food

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Israeli Airstrike On Gaza School Leaves Dozens Dead, Including Women and Children

In central Gaza early Thursday, an Israeli airstrike targeted a school where displaced Palestinians sought shelter, resulting in the tragic loss of at least 33 lives, among them 12 women and children, as reported by local health authorities. This incident marks another grim episode of mass casualties endured by Palestinians seeking refuge amidst Israel's escalating offensive. 

Preceding this strike, the Israeli military had announced a ground and air assault in central Gaza, reflecting a recurring pattern of incursions into previously targeted areas of the Gaza Strip. Despite Israel's prolonged military campaign spanning almost eight months, the resilience of militant groups persists, evident in their ability to withstand repeated offensives. Witnesses and medical personnel confirmed that the early morning air strike struck the al-Sardi School, operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), where numerous Palestinians had sought sanctuary from Israeli military operations and bombardment in the northern regions of Gaza.

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