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This Video Is Fake and Was Not Published by Hezbollah To Show the Majdal Shams Attack

Misbar's Editorial Team Misbar's Editorial Team
31st July 2024
This Video Is Fake and Was Not Published by Hezbollah To Show the Majdal Shams Attack
This video was not released by Hezbollah official media (X)

The Claim

This video was released by Hezbollah official media, and was removed later on. The video mentioned that Hezbollah targeted Majdal shams with Falaq-1 rocket causing casualties.

Emerging story

Recently, social media users have been circulating a video claiming to depict Hezbollah targeting the village of Majdal Shams. The claim states that Hezbollah’s war media published the video and later deleted it after discovering the extent of the massacre committed.

This video was released by Hezbollah official media, and was removed later on

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the claim and found it to be fake. The video is fabricated and was not published by Hezbollah’s military media to show the attack on the village of Majdal Shams. It was not deleted upon discovering the extent of the massacre, as the claim asserts

Signs Showing That the Video Attributed to Hezbollah’s Military Media Is Fake

Misbar reviewed the images included in the circulating video and found that the first shot, which claims to show 'the targeting of the Majdal Shams settlement in the Occupied Golan and the infliction of losses on the Israeli enemy,' contains several errors compared to the introductory shots published by Hezbollah’s military media when targeting settlements and Israeli military positions.

Misbar noted that the font used in Hezbollah's videos differs from the font shown in the circulated footage. Additionally, the shade of yellow used by Hezbollah differs from the color shown in the footage, and there are clear discrepancies in the size of the date and font in the footage attributed to Hezbollah.

A screenshot claimed to be from a Hezbollah video targeting Majdal Shams
A screenshot claimed to be from a Hezbollah video targeting Majdal Shams
Comparing the circulating screenshot with a Hezbollah video frame targeting an Israeli military site
Comparing the circulating screenshot with a Hezbollah video frame targeting an Israeli military site

Hezbollah Targets an Israeli Military Barracks With a Barrage of Falaq-1 Missiles

The second shot in the circulated video dates back to a targeting operation carried out by the Lebanese group Hezbollah against an Israeli military barracks using a burst of Falaq-1 missiles on January 27. This shot is unrelated to the bombing of the village of Majdal Shams.

A supporting image within the article body

The third shot, from the seventh to the ninth second, shows a rocket in the sky. While not entirely clear, it resembles footage from a video released as showing the Iron Dome intercepting rockets fired at the village of Majdal Shams.

In a previous investigation, Misbar explained that the video, published on July 18, depicted a suicide drone launched by Hezbollah exploding in the Upper Galilee and the failure of the air defenses (Iron Dome) to shoot it down. This was days before Majdal Shams was targeted.

A video clip showing a drone explosion in the Upper Galilee
A video clip showing a drone explosion in the Upper Galilee

The remaining scenes in the circulated video are from the moment Majdal Shams was targeted and the subsequent evacuation of the wounded from the bombed stadium. These scenes were published on social media and media outlets following the bombing of the stadium in Majdal Shams.

The final scene in the video contains images of child victims killed in the raids.

A supporting image within the article body

However, one of the photos shows an American girl, not among the victims of the Majdal Shams bombing, according to a Misbar investigation into claims that the photo depicts a girl named Malak who died as a result of the recent targeting.

This Image Does Not Depict a Girl Named Malak Killed in the Majdal Shams Attack

12 People Killed in Rocket Attack on Majdal Shams

A rocket attack on the village of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights on Friday, July 26, killed 12 people and injured 30 others. The Israeli army accused the Lebanese group Hezbollah of being behind the attack.

Hezbollah categorically denied responsibility immediately after the incident, calling the Israeli army's claims "false allegations." Sources close to Hezbollah suggested that the attack resulted from a malfunction in Israeli batteries and Iron Dome missiles, which mistakenly intercepted Hezbollah missiles and caused them to hit Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan.

No credible media outlet reported that Hezbollah published and then deleted a video related to the targeting of Majdal Shams. Misbar also did not find any copy of the circulating video through open sources and archive websites.

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This Image Does Not Depict a Girl Named Malak Killed in the Majdal Shams Attack

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