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Reuters Did Not Link American Involved in Congo Coup To Israeli Mossad

Misbar's Editorial Team Misbar's Editorial Team
17th September 2024
Reuters Did Not Link American Involved in Congo Coup To Israeli Mossad
American Tyler Thompson, who participated in Congo coup (X)

The Claim

An American Jew and a Mossad agent was sentenced to death for his role in the attempted coup in Congo.

Emerging story

Recently, social media users have been circulating a video claiming to show the arrest of two individuals, including an American Jewish person and a member of Israeli Mossad, by security forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is said to be related to their role in the failed coup attempt that took place in May 2024.

The video is accompanied by statements attributed to a military court judge in Congo, asserting a death sentence for the alleged Mossad member, with claims that Reuters reported these statements.

An American Jew and a Mossad agent was sentenced to death for his role in the attempted coup in Congo.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the claim and found it misleading. The video is outdated, and neither Reuters nor any other reliable sources have reported that one of the Americans involved in the Congo coup attempt is a member of Israeli Mossad.

Three Americans Involved in Congo Coup Attempt

The circulated video dates back to May 19, 2024, and shows security forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo arresting two American men who participated in the coup attempt. U.S. media reported that among the foreigners accused of participating in the coup and sentenced to death are three Americans.

Three Americans Involved in Congo Coup Attempt

Failed Coup Attempt in Congo

The failed coup attempt in the Democratic Republic of Congo was led by Congolese-American businessman and politician Christian Malanga, a former military officer who sought asylum in the United States in 1988 and settled in Utah.

The video shows Malanga’s son, American Marcel Malanga, and his friend Tyler Thompson, both 21, who traveled to Congo on April 19, 2024, at Marcel Malanga’s invitation. They took part in the coup attempt with 48 others on May 19, 2024, when Christian Malanga was killed by security forces.

Failed Coup Attempt in Congo

During the coup, opponents attacked the private residences of the Prime Minister, Defense Minister, and several officials, briefly occupied the presidential office in Kinshasa, and raised the flag of Zaire, the country’s former name before it was changed in 1997 after the fall of Mobutu Sese Seko.

Death Sentences Issued for Congo Coup Participants

The claim has circulated after the military court in the Democratic Republic of Congo issued death sentences for 37 defendants, including three Americans, for conspiring against the country and terrorism.

In related news, the U.S. Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo announced after the coup attempt that the U.S. is cooperating with Congolese authorities to investigate the crimes and hold those involved accountable.

Additionally, U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said in a press briefing on September 13, 2024, that the legal process in Congo allows defendants to appeal the court’s decision. Embassy staff are attending trial sessions, which began in July 2024, to monitor developments.

Death Sentences Issued for Congo Coup Participants

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