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This Image Does Not Show Rafael Military Technology Company on Fire Following Hezbollah Strike

Misbar's Editorial Team Misbar's Editorial Team
26th September 2024
This Image Does Not Show Rafael Military Technology Company on Fire Following Hezbollah Strike
The image dates back to July 2024 (X)

The Claim

The largest military technology company is burning now.

Emerging story

Recently, a photo went viral on the social media platform X, claiming to show the Rafael Military Technology Company in Haifa engulfed in flames after being targeted by Hezbollah on Monday, September 13.

The largest military technology company is burning now.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the claim and found it to be misleading. The photo is outdated and has no connection to the burning of the Rafael Military Technology Company in Haifa.

Fire in Golan Heights After Hezbollah Shelling in July

Israeli media published the image in July, identifying it as a fire in the Katzrin area of Golan Heights. The incident occurred after Hezbollah launched rockets and drones in retaliation for the assassination of military commander Muhammad Nimah Nasser.

Hebrew sources added that firefighting teams were working to extinguish fires in Golan and Galilee following the barrage of rockets.

Fire in Golan Heights After Hezbollah Shelling in July

Hezbollah Announces Targeting of Rafael in Israel

The spread of the misleading image followed Hezbollah's announcement on Monday that it had shelled an Israeli military industrial complex in Haifa in response to recent Israeli attacks.

In its statement, Hezbollah declared that it 'targeted the reserve headquarters of the Northern Corps, the reserve command base of the Galilee Division, and its logistical warehouses at the Ami’ad base, along with the military industrial complexes of Rafael in the Zofulon area north of Haifa using dozens of rockets.'

Hezbollah emphasized that the attack was 'in support of our steadfast Palestinian people in Gaza and in solidarity with their resistance... as a response to the Israeli enemy's aggressions targeting the south and the Bekaa regions.'

Hezbollah Announces Targeting of Rafael in Israel

Hezbollah Announces Attacks on Israeli Military Airport and Other Targets

On Tuesday, Hezbollah declared that it had targeted several Israeli military sites in defense of Lebanon and in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza. The party stated, 'For the third time, the Islamic Resistance fighters struck the Megiddo Military Airport west of Afula with a barrage of Fadi 2 rockets.' They also reported targeting an explosives factory in the Zikhron area with the same type of rockets. Additionally, Hezbollah clarified that it had targeted the Amos base using a barrage of Fadi 1 rockets.

Hezbollah Announces Attacks on Israeli Military Airport and Other Targets

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