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Are Perfumes Prohibited on Planes?

25th July 2024
Are Perfumes Prohibited on Planes?
Passengers can carry perfumes on planes under certain rules (Getty)

Misbar’s Analysis

You might want to bring your favorite perfume into the plane cabin for use during the flight or immediately upon arrival, or perhaps you prefer to keep it in your handbag or backpack to avoid breakage. In this article, we will examine whether you are allowed to carry perfumes on a plane. We will review the general regulations governing the transport of perfumes and liquids on flights.

Are Perfumes Allowed on Planes?

According to various airport security departments, passengers are allowed to carry liquids, including perfumes, on planes in both checked luggage and hand luggage.

There are no specific size or quantity restrictions for liquids and perfumes in checked luggage. However, if you want to carry them in your handbag or backpack, there are restrictions. You must follow certain guidelines to pass through airport security while carrying perfume in your hand luggage.

Conditions for Carrying Liquids and Perfumes on a Plane

Airport security will not allow you to access the departure lounge if you carry liquids or perfumes in your hand luggage or backpack unless you comply with the regulations for transporting liquids on the plane. These regulations cover items such as perfumes, bottled drinks, skin lotions, cosmetics, creams, pastes, sprays, frozen liquids, and other liquids.

The following restrictions apply to all liquids carried into the airplane cabin:

  • Liquids and perfumes must be in containers with a capacity of 100 ml or less.
  • They should be placed in a single bag.
  • The bag must be transparent and tightly sealed.
  • The bag should not exceed 20 cm x 20 cm.
  • The bag must be completely closed with all contents inside.

Are There Exceptions to the Rules for Liquids and Perfumes on Airplanes?

Baby Milk/Formula:

When traveling with an infant, natural breast milk can be carried in the aircraft cabin in quantities larger than 100 ml. It must be stored in transparent containers or bags, but glass bottles are not permitted. Each container or bag must not exceed 2 liters and must be in liquid form, not frozen. This exception does not apply to formula milk, juice, or baby food.

Liquid Medications:

You are allowed to carry liquid medications exceeding the 100 ml limit if needed during the flight. All medications must be accompanied by medical proof, a prescription, or a certified letter from your doctor confirming the necessity of these medications during the flight.

How Much Perfume Can Be Taken on a Plane?

If the rules for carrying liquids and perfumes on a plane, as previously mentioned, are followed, it is possible to bring as many perfumes as desired in hand luggage or a backpack, provided they are for personal use. The perfumes must be in 100 ml containers and placed in a transparent, airtight bag.

When placing perfumes in checked luggage, there are no size limits for perfume containers, and any quantity can be brought if permitted by the airport customs department. Remember, upon arriving at the airport, you will go through both security screening and customs inspection. If customs officers notice that the quantity of perfumes exceeds personal use, customs tax may apply.

Therefore, always keep receipts when traveling with perfumes, as customs may require them to verify that appropriate fees have been paid.

Duty-Free Perfumes

If you find a perfume you like while shopping at a duty-free shop in the airport and wish to purchase it, there are specific conditions for carrying these perfumes in your handbag, backpack, or checked luggage. They must meet the following requirements:

Perfumes or liquids must be internationally duty-free.
They must be packed in a transparent, secure bag sealed by the retailer from whom you purchased them, and must show no signs of opening or tampering when presented to airport security for screening.
You must show the original purchase receipt and proof of payment.
The purchase of perfumes and liquids must be completed within 48 hours of passing through the airport security checkpoint.

Can Perfume Be Carried in Checked Luggage, a Handbag, or a Backpack?

It is always advisable to carry perfume in hand luggage rather than checked luggage, especially if the perfume is expensive. If bags are lost at the airport, they may be discarded by airport staff, and since perfumes are often packed in fragile glass containers, these containers might break during the transportation of checked baggage.

Although the amount of perfume allowed in a handbag or backpack is limited to 100 ml, perfumes typically come in containers of this size or smaller, making it relatively easy to adhere to this advice. Perfumes should not be placed in checked luggage unless they are in larger containers and properly stored to protect them during transport.

How To Store Perfumes for Air Travel

If traveling for a short period, it’s best to carry small perfume containers. If you have any perfume samples, this is a great opportunity to use them. However, for large perfume containers, we recommend transferring a portion into small plastic containers for the duration of your trip. For longer trips where you need to carry a full bottle of perfume, it's important to store it properly to prevent spills on clothes, food, or electronics. Here are some tips for storing perfumes safely:

  • Ensure the perfume bottle is closed tightly.
  • Place each perfume bottle in a separate transparent bag with a tightly sealed zipper. If such bags are unavailable, use a transparent bag and seal it tightly.
  • To improve the seal, try to remove excess air from the bag before closing it.
  • If placing perfumes in checked luggage, wrap them in clothing or bubble wrap and avoid positioning them near the edges of the bag.
  • For handbags or backpacks, place perfumes in sealed transparent bags with other personal items. Wrap the bag with a piece of clothing and avoid placing it next to hard objects to prevent breakage.

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