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What Is the Oldest City in the World?

26th July 2024
What Is the Oldest City in the World?
Damascus is the oldest Arab city in history and in the world (Getty)

Misbar’s Analysis

The Arab world is home to the oldest city in the world, as well as many other ancient cities like Jerusalem in occupied Palestine and Sidon in Lebanon. These cities boast histories that stretch back thousands of years before Christ. In addition to the oldest city, the Arab world also proudly hosts the world's oldest capital.

What Is the Oldest City in the World?

Damascus is not only the oldest Arab city in history but also the oldest city in the world. Today, it serves as the capital of the Syrian Arab Republic. Known as the "Pearl of the East," Damascus is celebrated for its stunning beauty and lush green landscapes. The city also held great significance during the Umayyad Caliphate, underscoring its historical and cultural importance.

Damascus is not only the oldest Arab city in history but also the oldest city in the world

Is Damascus One of the Oldest Cities in the World According to UNESCO?

Indeed, Damascus is recognized by UNESCO as one of the oldest cities in the world. The old city within Damascus is home to numerous artifacts from various historical periods, including the Umayyad Mosque, which dates back to the 8th century AD. The city has witnessed the succession of Roman, Hellenistic, and Islamic civilizations, each leaving its own unique mark on this ancient metropolis.

Where Is the Oldest City in History Located?

The oldest city in history is situated within the Syrian Arab Republic, in the southwestern region below the Anti-Lebanon mountains, along the banks of the Barada River. Beyond being the oldest city, some sources regard it as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities to this day. According to World Atlas, Damascus enjoys a semi-arid climate due to its geographic location.

Is Damascus the Oldest Capital in History?

Absolutely! Not only is Damascus the oldest city in the world, but it also proudly holds the title of the oldest capital in history, according to Guinness World Records. This incredible city has been continuously inhabited for over 4,500 years, with its roots stretching back to around 2500 BC. Officially recognized in 2022, Damascus is home to around 2.5 million people, making it a living testament to ancient history and vibrant culture.

What Are the Oldest Capitals in the World?

Damascus stands out as one of the world’s oldest cities and capitals. Here are a few other ancient capitals that also boast remarkable histories:

City of Damascus: The history of Damascus, located in the Syrian Arab Republic, stretches back to around 10,000 BC. It has served as a capital for centuries and holds the distinction of being the oldest continuously inhabited capital city in the world.

City of Athens: Athens is renowned worldwide and stands as the second oldest capital in the world. With a history that dates back to 3000 BC, it has long been a central hub of culture and politics and continues to be the capital of Greece.

City of Jerusalem: Jerusalem, alongside Athens, ranks as one of the world's oldest capitals. Its history stretches back to around 3000 BC, and it continues to serve as the capital of Palestine.

City of Beirut: Beirut, the capital of the Republic of Lebanon, boasts a history that dates back to around 3000 BC. This makes it one of the world’s oldest capitals, alongside Jerusalem and Athens.

City of Lisbon: Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, has a rich history that stretches back to around 1200 BC. This makes it the fifth-oldest capital in the world.

City of Beijing: Beijing, the current capital of the People's Republic of China, dates back to around 1100 BC. This makes it the sixth-oldest capital in the world.

City of Yerevan: The history of Yerevan dates back to approximately 800 BC, making it the seventh-oldest capital in the world. It is the capital of Armenia.

City of Rome: Rome, the capital of Italy, was founded in 753 BC, making it the eighth-oldest capital in the world.

City of Delhi: Delhi, the capital of India, ranks ninth among the world's oldest capitals. Its history dates back to 753 BC, which means it is 153 years younger than Rome.

City of Cairo: Cairo is the tenth-oldest capital in the world and the fourth-oldest in the Arab world. With its history dating back to around 969 AD, Cairo continues to serve as the vibrant capital of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

What Are the Ten Oldest Cities in the World?

There are many ancient cities that humans have inhabited throughout history. According to Al Jazeera, here is a list of the ten oldest cities in the world, in order:

  • City of Damascus: With an estimated age of around 12,000 years, Damascus holds the title of the oldest city in the world. Its history stretches back to approximately 10,000 BC, making it a remarkable testament to ancient human civilization.
  • City of Jericho: Located in Palestine, Jericho is the second oldest city globally, boasting an impressive history that spans between 11,000 and 11,600 years. It stands as the oldest city in Palestine, reflecting its deep historical significance.
  • The Ancient City of Byblos: Byblos, situated in Lebanon, is around 10,000 years old, making it the oldest city in Lebanon and the third oldest in the world. This ancient city provides a fascinating glimpse into early human settlements and their development.
  • City of Faiyum: Situated in Egypt, Faiyum is approximately 7,000 years old, earning it the fourth spot among the world's oldest cities. As the oldest city in Egypt, it holds a prominent place in the country’s rich historical tapestry.
  • City of Argos: Argos, the oldest city in Greece, is also about 7,000 years old. It shares the fourth position in the global rankings of ancient cities, highlighting its significance in Greek history and culture.
  • City of Susa: Located in Iran, Susa is around 6,200 years old, making it the sixth oldest city worldwide and the oldest city in Iran. Its ancient roots provide valuable insights into early civilizations in the region.
  • City of Plovdiv: Nestled in Bulgaria, Plovdiv boasts a history of around 6,000 years, placing it seventh on the list of the world's oldest cities. Over the centuries, this ancient city has been known by various names, each reflecting its rich and varied past.
  • City of Athens: Athens, Greece’s historic capital, also dates back approximately 6,000 years. Sharing the seventh spot on the global list of ancient cities, Athens is renowned not only for its longevity but also for its profound impact on Western civilization.
  • City of Sidon: Located in Lebanon, Sidon is about 6,000 years old, making it the seventh oldest city in the world and the fifth oldest in the Arab world. Its long history contributes to its prominent role in the region's ancient heritage.
  • City of Jerusalem: Jerusalem, with an estimated age of around 6,000 years, ranks seventh among the oldest cities globally. It is also the fifth-oldest city in the Arab world and holds significant historical and cultural importance in occupied Palestine.

Is St. Augustine the Oldest City in the United States?

The United States has many historic cities, but the oldest city in the world is located in Asia. Here is a list of the oldest cities in America:

  • City of St. Augustine: Established in 1565, St. Augustine is the oldest city in the United States. Located in Florida, it stands as a testament to early European colonization in America.
  • City of Jamestown: Founded in 1607, Jamestown is the second oldest city in the United States. This historic city in Virginia played a pivotal role in the early days of American settlement.
  • City of Santa Fe: Santa Fe, established in 1610, is the oldest city in New Mexico and ranks as the third oldest city in the United States. Its rich cultural heritage reflects its deep historical roots.
  • City of Hampton: Also founded in 1610, Hampton is the second oldest city in Virginia and the fourth oldest in the United States. It holds a significant place in American history.
  • City of Albany: With its founding in 1614, Albany is the oldest city in New York and the fifth-oldest in the United States. Its long history highlights its importance in the development of the region.

What Are the Key Facts About Damascus?

Damascus, renowned as the oldest city in the world, boasts an incredible history stretching back around 12,000 years. Here are some key facts about this ancient metropolis:

  • Name Derivation: The name "Damascus" is believed to originate from the term "Dimashka," which some experts suggest predates the Semitic languages. This ancient term underscores the city's deep historical roots.
  • Al-Sham: In Syria, Damascus is referred to as "Al-Sham," a term that also denotes the broader region of Syria. This name is thought to reflect the city's historical position to the west or north of the Arabian Peninsula.
  • Historical Successions: Throughout its extensive history, Damascus has been governed by numerous empires and states. Its past rulers include the Ottoman Empire, the Umayyad Caliphate, the Seljuks, the Persians, the Nabateans, the Greeks, the Mongols, and the French, each contributing to the city's rich and diverse heritage.

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Photo Misleadingly Attributed To Latest Israeli Bombing of Damascus

Misbar’s Sources

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